Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Engagement Pictures and Proposal

Bryan asked me to marry him on March 27, 2011. We stopped at Stinson Beach on our way back from a week in San Francisco.

I won’t go into the whole story, but it was romantic and perfect for us… Until I got my beautiful ring stuck on my finger.

24 hours later, Bryan basically drug me to Kay’s to get the ring cut off L

Luckily my ring was repaired and you can’t even tell how mangled it once was.

We chose E. Henderson Photography for all of our wedding related pictures. We love them!

Bryan loves the San Francisco Giants, so for our Save the Dates we special ordered jerseys with our last name and wedding date. Bryan was 10 for October and I was 20- October 20th.
Every step we take together. I love this man just a little bit more.

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